A date with yourself

Last week I started coaching a new client.Towards the end of the session I was sharing a tool that we use called Soft Play. 

The objective of this tool is to connect with yourself and take yourself on a weekly date. A date just for you, something that you enjoy with the purpose of connecting with the part of you that enjoys new experiences exploration, adventure and play. It is in these moments that we become curious, that we reject and learn new things about ourselves. It is a time when we can meet new people that can take us on a whole new path and journey just by a chance meeting.


Whilst talking about this with my new client, I recognised that I had let this lapse lately. I had neglected to find that 1 hour in my week to totally indulge in me. I realised it was missing from my life. I had been busy with family life and running my business and had allowed this to go. 

Now the fun in soft play is all in the planning; planning all of those ideas that you could do yourself, all those activities and pastimes that really delight you and bring you pleasure. The idea is that you don’t repeat the same thing twice and that you come up with new ideas and new ways to spend a date with yourself. In the past I have been to a boogie bounce class, I have been to a meditation session,  I have taken myself for lunch I have taken myself out for a glass of wine, I have done art and drawing at home and taken an art class and many more things.

I sat and listened inwards with a paper and pen and thought about the things that I would like to do. I love this time of year going into autumn, especially on the bright sunny days when the air is crisp, and the Sun is in the sky. So I planned myself an outdoor activity,  did some research and took myself off to the RHS Bridgewater Gardens. I have heard about these gardens and had been wanting to visit, so I planned it and off I went the next day.

 I took a bit of time to relax and settle into it, but I got myself a coffee and a scone and then headed out into the garden. I absolutely love being in nature and seeing all the colours of the flowers really allowed me to stop and slow down.

I was taking pictures and had brought my head phones to listen to my Calm app but soon realised that I had no phone reception. At first I met the with frustration, but then I embraced this, put my phone away and made a conscious decision to focus on the present moment.

I used my 5 senses to really take in all around me. I could feel the scrunching of leaves under my feet, I could hear the sounds of wildlife and the trees blowing. I could feel the sense of safety from the tall trees and how they cushioned the sound from the sky. I could feel the breeze on my skin and I could smell the flowers. My favourite place was the peace garden. After walking around all the different areas I found a quite bench and got out my notepad and started to journal.

This soft pay date left me feeling empowered. I had loved this time to bond with me. I had loved this time to have some head space away from the chaos of family life. I loved this time to stop and connect with me and my thoughts. I loved this time to reflect and plan. I loved this time to live in the present and focus on my 5 senses. I loved that I had not had to negotiate with anyone, not please anyone else and their needs. The only person I had to please was me.

I am passionate about empowering women to prioritise themselves, to put themselves at the top of their pile. To find ways to reconnect with themselves and their desires and all things that bring them joy. I offer 1:1 coaching packages and workshops for women. Would you like to book a free no obligation coaching call ?

Contact me [email protected] to book

Prioritise you.

Find the time for you.

Write a list of activities that you could do in 1 hour.

Make a plan.

Arrange the child care, ask friends, relatives, offer to do the same for a friend in return.

DO IT! You deserve it 

Schedule a free consulatation 

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