Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause



Menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life, but the associated genitourinary symptoms can significantly impact quality of life. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy emerges as a valuable ally in addressing and managing these symptoms, providing a holistic approach to women's well-being during the menopausal transition.


Understanding Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause:

Menopause brings hormonal changes that can affect pelvic health, leading to symptoms such as vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is an evidence-based, non-invasive approach that targets these symptoms directly.


1. Vaginal Dryness and Atrophy:

Pelvic Health Physiotherapists can guide women through exercises and techniques to improve blood flow, enhance tissue elasticity, and improve symptoms of vaginal dryness and atrophy.


2. Painful Intercourse:

Addressing pain during intercourse is a crucial aspect of pelvic health physiotherapy. Therapists work with women to identify contributing factors, develop tailored exercises, and provide guidance on relaxation techniques to enhance comfort and enjoyment.


3. Urinary Incontinence:

Pelvic floor muscle training is a cornerstone of pelvic health physiotherapy, helping women regain control and strength in the pelvic region. Therapists educate on proper techniques for strengthening and coordinating these muscles to manage and prevent urinary incontinence.


4. Pelvic Organ Prolapse:

Physiotherapy interventions can offer support for women experiencing pelvic organ prolapse. Therapists guide individuals through exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving overall pelvic stability.


5. Lifestyle Modifications:

Pelvic Health Physiotherapists collaborate with women to identify lifestyle modifications that can positively impact genitourinary symptoms. This may include dietary changes, hydration recommendations, and strategies to manage stress, all contributing to improved pelvic health.


6. Education and Empowerment:

A crucial aspect of pelvic health physiotherapy is education. Therapists empower women with knowledge about their anatomy, hormonal changes, and practical strategies to manage and alleviate symptoms independently.


7. Individualized Care Plans:

Recognizing that each woman's experience is unique, Pelvic Health Physiotherapists create individualized care plans tailored to address specific genitourinary symptoms. This personalized approach ensures targeted and effective interventions.



Pelvic Health Physiotherapy stands at the forefront of holistic care for women experiencing genitourinary symptoms during menopause. By addressing these concerns through evidence-based exercises, education, and empowerment, women can regain control of their pelvic health, promoting overall well-being and a more comfortable transition through the menopausal phase. Seeking the guidance of a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can be a transformative step toward restoring comfort and enhancing the quality of life during and after menopause.

The Menopause Matters MOT 

A pelvic health examination is just one part of the assessment included in the Menopause Matters MOT.

As part of the assessment you will be asked about your bladder and bowel health and any issues with intimacy. You will be asked to fill in a pelvic health questionnaire before the session and then discuss this on the day if you have any concerns.

You will be asked about your sleep, diet, exercise, relaxation and stress management.

The assessment will look at your breathing, posture, core muscles strength, lower body muscle strength, pelvic floor assessment and balance.

You will then be given a home exercise, program, advice and education that is menopause friendly and will focus on your specific needs and goals.

Follow the link to book your menopause matters MOT. 

Book your Menopause Matters MOT


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